
In the beginning of 2021, I was still being homeschooled due to covid. I had Ds or Fs in all of my classes, so I tried to get back into in-person school. Everyone agreed that the program they used during 2020 sucked. Majorly. Though, that's besides the point. My mom was trying to get me back into in-person school, even though we were supposed to have made that descision by November. Sometime in February, my mom called me in from my room. "I have some bad news.." my heart dropped. I wanted to go back to in-person school, I wanted to see my friends, those of which who went back to in-person, anyways. "You're going to have to start waking up early." "Mom! Seriously! I thought I wasn't going back!". I had a few weeks left until I could go back. March 1st. I waited in the office, one I'd been in likely hundreds of times before. I had a notebook with me, and was waiting for school to start. I don't remember much of the details, but I think I found out that out electives ('specials', we called them) weren't switched out daily like they used to, but instead were static. I think I had art, as I have a terribly made Claude Monet bobblehead that I had made out of clay. When I had gotten back from school, there were two groups of people I talked to. One group, consisted of three people who were very kind, and talked about the games they liked all day. The other group, was more of a 'popular kid' group, with a lot of people. My friend from that group was accused of doing horrible things to another girl. I took her side, she was my friend, I couldn't believe she'd do something like that. I ended up having the other girl in my 8th grade science class. I never got to apologize for not taking her side on something like that. I didn't know how serious something like that was. I was stuck between the two groups, when one of them from the kind group said the popular group didn't want to be friends with her. It was an odd situation until the summer came. I stayed in contact with the kind group. We all had names for each other, because one of them liked Undertale. She was sans, I forget what the two others were called, but I know I was called Sandpaper because I made jokes like sans, but I would take the ranch cups for the salads and drink them, and we made jokes about me being an offbrand sans because of that.

When Deltarune chapter 2 came out, I was getting on my switch to play Animal Crossing. I saw the announcement for Deltarune Chapter 2. I noticed that it was free, and downloaded it. I. Loved. It. For months I'd go on youtube and look at animation memes of the characters, mainly spamton, because he was my favorite, alongisde Lancer. These animation memes somewhat led to me finding Lemon Demon, which probably changed the type of music I'd listen to in the future. Sometime in late 2021, I did end up buying undertale, playing the normal and pacifist routes. I liked it, but not enough to warrant it being on the list. I'd list a ton of stuff about the game, but I really can't. There are already tons of people talking about this game, and I can't think of something somebody else hasn't said already. Back then I was confused on how I liked a game as much as I did at the time, so I wrote a really embarrasing/cringy comment under someones animation video (dont' look for it, I've deleted it). I didn't know it at the time, but this would be the first of many 'Thing-Crushes'.
