What We Do In The Shadows

When my dad gets home from work, he puts on TV. I've found great shows/movies this way. One of these was What We Do In The Shadows. He put on the episode in which Colin meets Evie, and told me it was essentially 'The Office' but with vampires. I haven't seen much of 'The Office', though I probably should watch it. I ended up liking it, and watching it all. This was the summer of 2022, so season 4 was just coming out. If I had to choose a favorite of the main 4 vampires (+ Guillermo), it'd have to be Laszlo. This happened in the summer of 2022 was when I made a tumblr account and started getting my fan stuff from there instead of youtube. Fun fact: This is also the summer I made a neocities account because of all the cool 'old web' stuff I saw on tumblr. I actually made an internet graphics account that got somewhat popular compared to my normal account, though I stopped using it because I don't surf the web the same way I used to.

August 8th 2024

So, a few days ago, I found out the last season is coming out on October 21st!! I'm super excited to see where the story goes because really I can't see where they're going to go with the story. I'll be sure to tell my dad when I see him tomorrow.
