Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Now, in the 22-23 year, it was a tough time. I was closer to two out of three members of the kind group. One of them had went to spend the summer at her dad's house a few states away. She didn't come back. I didn't share any classes with the other one. The first day of school, I found out the third had his schedule changed at the last minute, and we had almost all of the same classses. So, even though I barely knew him, I was glad to have someone I recognized, since I was taken out of honors classes that year for ovverreacting in math class, my one non-honors class. All of the classes were easy, so it was good to have someone to talk to when I was done with my work. Luckily, the teachers let us sit together. We would talk to each other about the thing we currently liked around this time. At this point in time, it was Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. At the time, the TV show was coming out. I'm American, so I had to watch it through reuploads on Youtube. I would do the usual, look it up on tumblr every day after school, draw it in my sketchbook, talk about it to the third friend. I rewatched it a few months ago, and, it definitely seems like something I'd like back then. I probably still like it, it's just been a while.
